Program mentor mentee kejururawatan
Program mentor mentee kejururawatan

program mentor mentee kejururawatan

Khidmat kaunseling - Kaunseling diberikan kepada staff yang mengalami masalah. Pembantu Pegawai Perubatan (pelatih) yang menjalani Kursus Kecemasan dan Triage juga menjalankan attachment di Dewan Bersalin di Hospital Seberang. Attachment - Latihan attachment diberikan kepada peserta Kursus Pos Basik Pengurusan Diabetes di Jabatan Perubatan. Mentoring - Program Mentor Mentee diadakan untuk semua Jururawat lantikan baru. Perkhidmatan Perkhidmatan yang disediakan Orientasi Jururawat, Kolej KKM, IPTA dan IPTS - Jururawat lantikan baru dan pindah masuk melapor diri di Hospital Seberang Jaya. Menggalakan dan melaksanakan kajian kejururawatan. Mempertingkatkan imej profesion kejururawatan. Mempertingkatkan amalan kejururawatan dengan menyediakan pendidikan yang berterusan dalam bidang kejururawatan. Memastikan penjagaan perawatan kepada pelanggan dijalankan mengikut Standard yang telah di tetapkan oleh Lembaga Jururawat Malaysia. OBJEKTIF Memberi penekanan ke atas promosi, preventif, kuratif dan pemulihan dari aspek kesihatan:- 1. Perkhidmatan Kejururawatan berteraskan Etika Kejururawatan dan ditingkatkan dengan aplikasi Konsep 10S, Program Mentor Mentee dan Pembangunan Modal Insan. Pengenalan Unit Kejururawatan bertanggungjawab dalam melaksanakan segala pengurusan dan pentadbiran kejururawatan bagi semua kategori anggota kejururawatan dan Pembantu Perawatan Kesihatan di Hospital Seberang Jaya. Educators will have the opportunity to develop a mentor mentee relationship with differentiated activities that might. The Mentor Mentee Program is individualized. Sistem dan peranan mentor-mentee usm oleh prof. Program mentor-mentee anjuran warga sejahtera usm mei prof. We do want each participant to be committed and realize the benefit of a focused program at a great price.Mengarah:- membimbing mentor kandungan konsep -mentor -mentee kriteria untuk menjadi seorang mentor tujuan mentoring prinsip-prinsip. If you need financial assistance or would like to give a scholarship, please let us know in your application.

program mentor mentee kejururawatan

*We do not want the cost to deter any student. NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE & PAIRING: Week of September 17ĬOST: There is a cost for students to participate in the 20 week 5 Month program as you will be getting career advice, connections, and resources that can be used throughout your career. ($100)* After all, its all about relationships!ĪPPLICATIONS OPEN: August 6 - September 7 NEW THIS ROUND: We will create a private group so all mentors and mentees can meet and network with each other. *The first week will be phone or Skype/Facetime only. All weekly communication can be done through phone, Skype/Face Time, or email.

program mentor mentee kejururawatan

Mentors and Mentees do NOT need to live in the same state or city. There will only be 10 mentor and mentee pairings (1 mentor for every 1 mentee). Mentors and mentees throughout the program. There will be accountability and support for both The mentor and mentee have 2 weeks to complete each prompt, which makes for a more relaxed program. There will be helpful information, check lists, worksheets, and workbooks for both mentors and mentees. Every other Sunday, mentors and mentees will receive emails with prompts and information to help them communicate and learn from each other. Though the program is 20 weeks long, there are 10 weeks worth of focused prompts with educational and inspirational content. THE MENTOR PROGRAM has been designed to further connect and grow professionals and students through a focused 20 week program that assists both the mentor and mentee to communicate better and network better.

Program mentor mentee kejururawatan